Disable JavaScript Debugging in Visual Studio

If you are reading this, it is likely that when you are debugging your ASP.NET application your Visual Studio is inserting itself to handle your JavaScript debugging. While I can see the usefulness of this feature; it can become annoying as each time you start a new instance of your application Visual Studio opens a new instance of Chrome to handle the JavaScript debugging.

The good news is you can turn this feature off if you don’t like it.

It is a simple task to disable this feature; first go to Tools -> Options

Then scroll down to the Debugging -> General option on the menu on the left hand side. Then search for thes setting labelled “Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome and IE)” and uncheck it.

Now the next time you debug an ASP.NET application your default browser should launch rather than the Visual Studio version of Chrome.

If you need this feature again; simply go back into the options and check the checkbox again.